Changing the Landscape Awards Terms and Conditions

  • Changing the Landscape is a contest of the Irrigation Association to recognize incredible work done by irrigation and landscape lighting service providers and share their stories in print and online.
  • Sponsor: Changing the Landscape is brought to you by the Irrigation Association and Brilliance. Changing the Landscape
  • Winners: The Irrigation Association staff members associated with Irrigation & Lighting editorial, as well as members of the Irrigation Association’s Irrigation & Lighting Editorial Working Group review applications. Using a judging criteria and rubric, evaluate submissions on a company-blind basis and then select two winners, one in each category. Each selected applicant is interviewed as part of a feature, written by the Irrigation Association, printed in Issue 3 of Irrigation & Lighting.
  • Entrants agree that they may be contacted by IA staff for a potential interview and if selected as a winner for the Changing the Landscape contest, that the information provided may be used in the development of content for Irrigation & Lighting and other IA content platforms. Demographic and contact information will not be shared beyond the IA without permission.