Our lives have changed considerably since the pandemic began in 2020. The lingering variants are causing a more contagious situation than ever before. We all seem to be busier than ever, but employee challenges and supply chain issues have thrown a wrench into our cogs. This can have a significant effect on our jobs, our success and our peace of mind while at work. In this article, we will share some suggested ways to keep a positive mental attitude.
Promote teamwork and be in the game
Now more than ever it is time for the best teamwork possible. Create a biweekly “huddle” before heading out to the job site. Let your team know they are valued team members, not just a number. Have everyone speak about their successes and difficulties. This is a good way to hear everyone and share ideas. Encourage the team to speak candidly and respectfully. All should recognize the successes of the team and be concerned about any issues.
Spend a few days on job sites to see for yourself the triumphs and troubles your team is having. In other words, walk in their shoes.
These short “huddle” meetings need not last longer than 15 to 20 minutes and will develop camaraderie between team members and the employer/owner. If you are the owner, this shows your team that you are in the game with them. Spend a few days on job sites to see for yourself the triumphs and troubles your team is having. In other words, walk in their shoes.
Reward the triumphs and counsel the troubles
Showing you care develops loyalty and respect among team members. Consider holding teambuilding events. Perhaps close early one day every quarter for a preplanned event. Look at escape rooms, bowling or golf centers as options, for example. This helps your team see that you are a real person just like them outside of work. Employers and employees that have a culture of teamwork are more likely to maintain a positive outlook.
Use social media well
Social media is a great place to network and meet others in the trade. It is also a great place to showcase your work and advertise. Many social media groups have great content and maintain professional standards. These groups often share new installation techniques and job ideas from across the country. This type of information is positive and can help you in your business.
Be cautious of toxic content and negative comments. When one gets caught up in this, it can become addictive, nonproductive and extremely time-consuming. Be mindful with your posts and communication. Be respectful. Think before you comment. Be encouraging. Your mindfulness can have a positive effect on others, and it is ultimately a good reflection on you and your business.
Plan for supply slowdown
Years ago, there was quite an abundance of products, and lead times were not so lengthy. Even custom-made fixtures were produced with only a few weeks’ lead time. Today, manufacturers and suppliers are experiencing extremely long wait times for both raw and finished materials.
To keep your business on track and your customers satisfied, you may need to change your projections by planning well in advance. Determine which of your local distributors are stocking your go-to products. Check stock on these products weekly. Order greater quantities so your supply is not deleted. Keep in close contact with your distributors. What is in stock currently might be gone the next day. It may be necessary to look at a larger variety of products. You may need to offer a similar product to your normal workhorse due to stock constraints. To avoid this, you may need to buy early and buy often.
In past articles, we have discussed working with your friendly competitor across town. Perhaps you can put in a bulk buy together on commodity items like wire. I have seen this work out well in the past. Having stock of what you need to be productive and profitable every day is surely a step in the right direction, thus improving everyone’s attitude. And remember, having the product on hand to get a job done will help you win jobs over your competitors who may not have planned as well.
In summary, be a role model for others. Your confidence and positive attitude will be seen by all your employees and customers. You and your team are important to a growing industry. Nobody likes working with a grouch. Keeping it positive keeps everyone winning!
Kevin Smith is the national technical support and trainer at Brilliance LED LLC, Carefree, Arizona, and can be reached at kevin.smith@brillianceled.com.